
How to cope with stress during COVID – 19 Pandemic

A year and a half ago the idea of being able to stay home every day was just a fantasy. It sounded like a dream come true until COVID-19 caught the world by storm and made it a reality. Unfortunately, this reality isn't nearly as dreamy as the one we imagined during...

How Therapy Can Help Treat Anxiety

Anxiety Is Real   Feeling anxious is normal. We all get that way occasionally. Those emotions can be triggered by any number of factors - school, kids, parents, your job. We find ways to cope and push through without changing much in our daily lives. Anxiety...

Prepare Your Mental Health for the New Year

Prepare Your Mental Health for the New Year

It’s that time of year again, when we make all these resolutions to improve ourselves, only to forget about them by February. Whether it’s getting healthier, promising to try something new, or leaving a negative habit in the past, we all want to better ourselves as...

Mental Health Benefits of Going Outside

Mental Health Benefits of Going Outside

There’s nothing quite like going outside. Whether it’s a hike through the woods or a bike ride on the beach, going out and being active provides a variety of health benefits. And it turns out, those benefits extend far beyond physical health. According to research led...

Managing Anxiety with Simplicity during Quarantine

Managing Anxiety with Simplicity during Quarantine

Out of 7.8 billion people no one on earth could have seen this coming. No one has been through a pandemic like this. The COVID-19 has crippled our economies, our daily routines, and our mental health. Those that struggle with anxiety may have heightened symptoms and...

Change Takes Time

Change Takes Time

Change Takes Time We all have something we’d like to change in our lives. For me, it’s my expectations for keeping up with things at home. I’ve always been a pretty motivated person, though I wouldn't say that I’m a “type A” personality or anything. I can still be a...

The Impact of Kindness on your Mental Health

The Impact of Kindness on your Mental Health

The Impact of Kindness on Your Mental Health A simple gesture or act of kindness can go a long way. It can change someone’s day, perspective or even their life. At Live Wellness Center, we’re looking forward to celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week (February...

Little by Little

Little by Little

Little by Little I wonder if there is anyone who can relate to feeling almost too overwhelmed to start? Some things in life feel so big that they seem nearly impossible. Maybe the list feels too long or too hard. We are paralyzed when we can’t even begin. When...

The Importance of Play

The Importance of Play

The Importance of Play As a therapist and a mom of young children, I know how much children love to play and how much they need it. According to a journal article published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, “Play is essential to development because it contributes...

Is it ADHD or…

Is it ADHD or…

Is it ADHD or... These days, it seems as though much of the world is demanding our attention. For some, this means an increasing struggle with inattention. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or more commonly known as ADHD, was once considered rare. However,...