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[title style=”bordered”]Mental Health Assessments[/title]
At Live Wellness Center, we have a team of assessment therapists who can get you properly started on your journey. This important step is critical in in the process of counseling.
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[title style=”decorated”]YOUR FIRST VISIT[/title]
Setting yourself up for success
During your first visit, you will meet with a therapist for an assessment. This session will help to determine the type and level of care needed, as well as what therapist to see for ongoing sessions. If we are not a fit for you, we are happy to refer you to another agency, so that you may receive the care that is needed.
Assessments for Children
When the assessment is for a child, we will meet with both the parent or guardian and the child simultaneously. We also may ask to meet with the parent or guardian alone for part of the time to avoid the child having to overhear comments that may be negative. You may bring someone to supervise the child in our lobby while meeting alone with the therapist, or the child may sit unattended if they are able to do so.
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[cta color=”alt” orient=”ver” title=”Our Team” subtitle=”Meet our team of licensed counselors and therapists in the Columbus, Ohio, area. Call Live Wellness Center today at 614‑437‑9910 for an appointment. ” btn_txt=”Our Team” btn_url=”/about-us/our-team/” btn_class=”tertiary”]
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[cta color=”alt” orient=”ver” title=”Contact Us” subtitle=”If you need counseling from a licensed therapist in the Columbus, Ohio, area call Live Wellness Center today at 614‑437‑9910 for an appointment.” btn_txt=”Contact Us” btn_url=”/contact/” btn_class=”tertiary”]
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