Intake Form

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[title style=”bordered”]Counseling Intake Form[/title]

Please fill out our Intake Form below to get started. Once submitted, you will be contacted within one business day.


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[cta color=”alt” orient=”ver” title=”Our Team” subtitle=”Meet our team of licensed counselors and therapists in the Columbus, Ohio, area. Call Live Wellness Center today at 614‑437‑9910 for an appointment. ” btn_txt=”Our Team” btn_url=”/about-us/our-team/” btn_class=”tertiary”]


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[cta color=”alt” orient=”ver” title=”Contact Us” subtitle=”If you need counseling from a licensed therapist in the Columbus, Ohio, area call Live Wellness Center today at 614‑437‑9910 for an appointment.” btn_txt=”Contact Us” btn_url=”/contact/” btn_class=”tertiary”]



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[cta color=”alt” orient=”hor” title=” ” subtitle=”Call 614‑437‑9910 now to get scheduled” btn_txt=”Contact Us” btn_url=”/contact/” btn_class=”tertiary”]


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