Anxiety Is Real


Feeling anxious is normal. We all get that way occasionally. Those emotions can be triggered by any number of factors – school, kids, parents, your job. We find ways to cope and push through without changing much in our daily lives. Anxiety becomes a more serious issue when it dibiliates us and keeps us from functioning.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an anxiety disorder is more than temporary worry or fear; it’s a constant state that leaves people struggling with daily, mundane activities. There are numerous types of anxiety disorders, but the most common are: 

  • Generalized anxiety disorder – characterized by persistent worry or anxious feelings. Symptoms may include restlessness, irritability, muscle tension or pain, difficulty concentrating, sleep issues, and generally being on edge.
  • Panic disorder – symptoms included sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, or a feeling of choking; a pounding heart or rapid heart rate; and feelings of dread. These attacks are so powerful that they can impact daily life in profound ways.
  • Phobias – intense fears about certain objects or situations 
  • Social anxiety disorder – a general fear of social situations and feeling of unease during social situations.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder – characterized by persistent, uncontrollable feelings, thoughts and compulsions. 
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) –  develops after serious physical or emotional trauma. Symptoms, which include flashbacks, nightmares, and thoughts about the trauma, can have debilitating effects on the victim for years following the event. 

Each of these diagnoses have unique characteristics and traits so it’s important to meet with a professional to determine how to address the siutaiton and, most importantly, feel better. Society tends to downplay how difficult it can be to deal with this disorder, but anxiety can manifest itself in both mental and physical symptoms. Those manifestations can be intense, difficult and so severe that some may think they are going into cardiac arrest. If this sounds like something you’re dealing with, now is the time to seek help. 


Allow Therapy to Help You.  


If you’re suffering from anxiety-related issues, the counselors at Live Wellness Center can help. We can help you not only understand what’s causing your anxiety, we can arm you with time-tested techniques and strategies to help you cope with what could be creating the strain. 

This has been a difficult time for everyone. It’s not often the world gets shut down and we’re all asked to adjust to something this momentous on what seemed like a moment’s notice. That type of disruption disturbs even the most stoic, staid person. For those of us trying to navigate anxiety or other mental issues, an already fraught, weighted load becomes that much heavier. Jobs are called into question, we have limited ability to see family and friends, routines are changed and life just isn’t what it was.

By attending therapy sessions and working with a licensed, experienced counselor, you can work toward overcoming anxiety and learn to deal with it more effectively. It won’t happen overnight and, as with anything involving mental illness, it requires work and diligence to overcome.

Our therapists and counselors can help you articulate what’s causing you to be anxious and develop a plan to help you move forward. They know what anxiety can do, why you have to fight back and the consequences of letting it go untreated or unmanaged. Freedom from this condition is hard fought, but our team helps to equip you with the tools to cope. 

Anxiety disorders, while painful and difficult, are very treatable. Most patients who deal with anxiety are able to reduce or eliminate symptoms following therapy.

Contact us today to get started. Our therapists are ready to help.